

Ježiš Nazaretský

(TV film)
  • Česko Ježíš Nazaretský (viac)


Judea pred 2000 rokmi patrila k územiam Rímskej ríše. Mladá žena Mária (Olivia Husseyová) sa vydá za Jozefa (Yorgo Voyagis), keď jej anjel zvestuje, že sa stane matkou božieho syna, Ježiša Krista. Porodí ho v maštali v Betleheme, kde ju navštívia traja mudrci (James Earl Jones, Donald Pleasence, Fernando Rey), ktorí sa poklonia jej synovi a prinesú mu vzácne dary zlato, myrtu a kadidlo. O 33 rokov neskôr Ján Krstiteľ (Michael York) očakáva príchod nového mesiáša, o čom káže všetkým ľuďom. Mesiášom je Ježiš Kristus. Kráľovi Herodesovi (Christopher Plummer) sa jeho kázne nepáčia, pretože vyvolávajú medzi ľuďmi nepokoje, a preto ho dá zatknúť a neskôr popraviť. Ježiš (Robert Powell) dospel, učil sa a načúval starším, napokon z neho vyrástol duchovný vodca podrobeného národa. Učí a koná množstvo zázrakov, ale zápasí aj s diablom a jeho pokušeniami. Má svojich dvanástich verných druhov, apoštolov, ktorí ho verne nasledujú na jeho ceste. Po príchode do Jeruzalema vyhodí kupcov z chrámu. Cíti, že čoskoro zomrie, pretože jeho učenie sa nepáči žiarlivým kňazom, ktorí žiadajú od rímskeho miestodržiteľa Piláta (Rod Steiger), aby Ježiša zatkol a dal popraviť. Napokon miesto pobytu mesiáša prezradí Judáš Iškariotský (Ian McShane). Ježiša po mučení popravia ako zločinca na kríži... (oficiálny text distribútora)



Lawrence of Arabia

Lawrence of Arabia

World Premiere Recording of the Complete Score

Vydal: Tadlow Music

Rok: 2010

Krajina: Veľká Británia

Formát: CD

Minutáž: 02:27:38

Tracklist CD 1 Minutáž: 01:16:46
1. Overture Maurice Jarre 04:23
2. Main Titles Maurice Jarre 01:56
3. First Entrance To The Desert Maurice Jarre 04:25
4. Night And Stars / Lawrence And Tafas Maurice Jarre 05:43
5. Lawrence Rides Alone / Exodus Maurice Jarre 03:13
6. We Need A Miracle Maurice Jarre 02:40
7. In Whose Name Do You Ride? / That Is The Desert (The Camels Will Die) Maurice Jarre 05:10
8. Mirage / The Sun's Anvil Maurice Jarre 05:19
9. Gasim Lost In The Desert Maurice Jarre 03:29
10. Lawrence Rescues Gasim / Lawrence Returns With Gasim / The Riding Maurice Jarre 06:37
11. Arrival At Auda's Camp Maurice Jarre 02:00
12. Bedouin Feast / On To Akaba / Attack On Akaba / Lawrence At The Sea Shore Maurice Jarre 06:37
13. Sinai Desert / After Quicksands / Hutments / Suez Canal Maurice Jarre 06:16
14. "A Brilliant Bit Of Soldiering - The Voice Of The Guns" - Kenneth J. Alford 02:05
15. Bugle Call / Lawrence On The Terrace / Intermission Maurice Jarre 01:34
16. Adulation / The Horse Stampede / Faraj Killed Maurice Jarre 03:43
17. Ali Rescues Lawrence / Allenby's Flattery Maurice Jarre 03:11
18. Assembled Army / Lawrence And His Bodyguard / Arab Theme Maurice Jarre 03:06
19. Military March Maurice Jarre 01:18
20. The End / Play-Off Music Maurice Jarre 04:01
Tracklist CD 2 Minutáž: 01:10:52
1. MOON OVER PARADOR Maurice Jarre 03:54
2. THE MAGICIAN OF LUBLIN: The Magician Maurice Jarre 00:41
3. Warsaw Maurice Jarre 00:34
4. The Feast Maurice Jarre 01:48
5. Bicycles Maurice Jarre 01:25
6. The Park Maurice Jarre 00:50
7. The Magician Flies Maurice Jarre 01:56
8. THE FIXER: Suite Maurice Jarre 07:11
9. CIMARRON STRIP: Main Theme Maurice Jarre 01:01
10. PRANCER Maurice Jarre 06:19
11. THE PALANQUIN OF TEARS: End Credits Maurice Jarre 02:47
12. RYAN'S DAUGHTER: Where Was I When The Parade Went By Maurice Jarre 02:37
13. LAWRENCE OF ARABIA: Nocturne (Alternative Version) Maurice Jarre 01:53
14. SUNSHINE: The Sonnensheins Maurice Jarre 04:52
15. SOLAR CRISIS – End Credits Maurice Jarre 06:51
16. RESURRECTION: End Credits Maurice Jarre 03:25
17. FIREFOX: End Credits Maurice Jarre 05:18
18. DEAD POET’S SOCIETY Maurice Jarre 06:21
19. JESUS OF NAZARETH: Concert Suite Maurice Jarre 08:28
20. "The Voice Of The Guns (Original Version)" - Kenneth Alford 02:41
Gesu' di Nazareth

Gesu' di Nazareth

Original Soundtrack Recording

Vydal: Legend

Rok: 2010

Krajina: Taliansko

Formát: CD

Minutáž: 52:04

Poznámky: Limited edition.

1. Jesus Of Nazareth Maurice Jarre 02:32
2. Annunciation Maurice Jarre 04:04
3. Three Kings Maurice Jarre 04:19
4. Herod's Proclamation Maurice Jarre 00:52
5. Baptism Maurice Jarre 03:04
6. Miracle Of The Fish Maurice Jarre 02:48
7. Salome Maurice Jarre 04:15
8. Jairus' Daughter Maurice Jarre 02:25
9. Jerusalem Maurice Jarre 03:42
10. "The Beatitudes" - Dialogue (EN version) Maurice Jarre 03:51
11. Raising Of Lazarus Maurice Jarre 01:43
12. Entrance Into Jerusalem Maurice Jarre 01:09
13. Agony In The Garden Maurice Jarre 01:06
14. The Crucifixion (Part 1) Maurice Jarre 06:58
15. The Crucifixion (Part 2) Maurice Jarre 00:56
16. The Resurrection Maurice Jarre 02:13
17. Exit Music Maurice Jarre 02:15
18. BONUS TRACK: "Le Beatitudini" - Dialogue (IT Version) Maurice Jarre 03:52
Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus of Nazareth

An Original Soundtrack Recording

Vydal: Cinephile

Rok: 2004

Krajina: Veľká Británia

Formát: CD

Minutáž: 39:52

1. Jesus Of Nazareth Maurice Jarre 02:30
2. Annunciation Maurice Jarre 04:02
3. Three Kings Maurice Jarre 04:17
4. Baptism Maurice Jarre 03:02
5. Jairus' Daughter Maurice Jarre 02:23
6. Jerusalem Maurice Jarre 03:38
7. Salome Maurice Jarre 04:13
8. The Beatitudes Maurice Jarre 03:50
9. Miracle Of The Fish Maurice Jarre 02:48
10. Crucifixion Maurice Jarre 06:55
11. Resurrection Maurice Jarre 02:14
Gesù di Nazareth

Gesù di Nazareth

Original Soundtrack

Vydal: RCA Records

Rok: 1996

Krajina: Taliansko

Formát: CD

Minutáž: 39:17

1. Jesus Of Nazareth Maurice Jarre 02:46
2. Annunciation Maurice Jarre 04:02
3. Three Kings Maurice Jarre 04:15
4. Baptism Maurice Jarre 03:02
5. Jairus Daughter Maurice Jarre 02:22
6. Jerusalem Maurice Jarre 03:38
7. Salome Maurice Jarre 03:50
8. The Beatitudes Maurice Jarre 03:30
9. Miracle Of The Fish Maurice Jarre 02:48
10. Crucifixion Maurice Jarre 06:55
11. Resurrection Maurice Jarre 02:09
Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus of Nazareth

Original Soundtrack

Vydal: RCA Records

Rok: 1978

Krajina: USA

Formát: LP

Poznámky: Dialogues with only bits of the original score.

1. Proclamation Of The Coming Of The Messiah Maurice Jarre
2. The Annunciation Maurice Jarre
3. The Three Kings Maurice Jarre
4. Circumcision Of Jesus Maurice Jarre
5. Heriod's Proclamation Maurice Jarre
6. Explaining Prayer Maurice Jarre
7. Confrontation With John The Baptist Maurice Jarre
8. Baptism Of Jesus Maurice Jarre
9. Miracle Of Fish Maurice Jarre
10. Jarius' Daughter Maurice Jarre
11. Salome's Dance Maurice Jarre
12. The Beatitudes Maurice Jarre
13. Entrance Into Jerusalem Maurice Jarre
14. Raising Of Lazarus Maurice Jarre
15. His Lesson In The Temple Maurice Jarre
16. The Golden Rule Maurice Jarre
17. "God So Loved The World" Maurice Jarre
18. The Last Supper Maurice Jarre
19. Agony In The Garden Maurice Jarre
20. The Journey To The Cross Maurice Jarre
21. The Crucifixion Maurice Jarre
22. The Resurrection Maurice Jarre
Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus of Nazareth

Original Soundtrack

Vydal: Pye International

Rok: 1978

Krajina: Veľká Británia

Formát: LP

Minutáž: 39:17

1. SIDE A: Jesus Of Nazareth Maurice Jarre 02:46
2. Annunciation Maurice Jarre 04:02
3. Three Kings Maurice Jarre 04:15
4. Baptism Maurice Jarre 03:02
5. Jairus' Daughter Maurice Jarre 02:22
6. Jerusalem Maurice Jarre 03:38
7. SIDE B: Salome Maurice Jarre 03:50
8. The Beatitudes Maurice Jarre 03:30
9. Miracle Of The Fish Maurice Jarre 02:48
10. Crucifixion Maurice Jarre 06:55
11. Resurrection Maurice Jarre 02:09
Jesus de Nazareth

Jesus de Nazareth

Musique Originale du Film de Franco Zeffirelli

Vydal: Auvidis

Rok: 1978

Krajina: Francúzsko

Formát: LP

Minutáž: 39:17

1. SIDE A: Jésus De Nazareth Maurice Jarre 02:46
2. L'Annonciation Maurice Jarre 04:02
3. Les Trois Rois Maurice Jarre 04:15
4. Le Baptême Maurice Jarre 03:02
5. La Fille De Jaire Maurice Jarre 02:22
6. Jérusalem Maurice Jarre 03:38
7. SIDE B: Salomé Maurice Jarre 03:50
8. La Pêche Miraculeuse Maurice Jarre 03:30
9. Miracle Of The Fish Maurice Jarre 02:48
10. La Crucifixion Maurice Jarre 06:55
11. La Résurrection Maurice Jarre 02:09
Gesù di Nazareth

Gesù di Nazareth

Original Soundtrack

Vydal: Ricordi

Rok: 1977

Krajina: Taliansko

Formát: LP

Minutáž: 39:17

1. SIDE A: Jesus Of Nazareth Maurice Jarre 02:46
2. Annunciation Maurice Jarre 04:02
3. Three Kings Maurice Jarre 04:15
4. Baptism Maurice Jarre 03:02
5. Jairus Daughter Maurice Jarre 02:22
6. Jerusalem Maurice Jarre 03:38
7. SIDE B: Salome Maurice Jarre 03:50
8. The Beatitudes Maurice Jarre 03:30
9. Miracle Of The Fish Maurice Jarre 02:48
10. Crucifixion Maurice Jarre 06:55
11. Resurrection Maurice Jarre 02:09

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